About Timothy
I joined my first Yoga class while living in Los Angeles in 20212, and I have been practicing ever since. What attracted me to Iyengar Yoga was how the physical practice gave way to other aspects, not just physical or physiological, but psychological, philosophical, spiritual.
Iyengar Yoga classes never presupposed anything, nor was anything ever superfluous: each instruction and every pose had its place in the entire sequence. This resulted in a sense of quiet curiosity and a desire to delve deeper and understand more.

By 2017 I had become a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of Los Angeles (IYILA). I have continued to study with senior Iyengar Yoga teachers to deepen my understanding of the practice and teaching of yoga. I teach yoga for everybody and every body, always with a strong awareness of limitations, my own and those of my students, and always with an eye to overcoming—or at least pushing back against—these limitations each time.
In addition to yoga I translate German writing on art, architecture, and aesthetics into English and has moved from riding fixed gear bicycles across Los Angeles to riding the surroundings of Tübingen in Germany.

"abhyāsa vairāgyābhyām tannirodhah
Practice and detachment are the means to still the movement of consciousness.
(B.K.S. Iyengar)
Patanjali Sutra I.12